$42.95 $49.99 You Save 14% ($7.04)
1 Tube = 16 TeaDrops® packets that can make up to 32 gallons of liquid organic Seedling & New Planting plant food fertilizer
TeaDrops® are vegan, pet + child + eco-friendly & 100% sustainably made in the USA (the packaging tubes are made from recycled paper-board with labels printed in soy inks to support our underlying company mission of making highly-effective, but earth-friendly products! :)
Use 1 TeaDrops packet per 1 gallon of water * If you're nervous about some of your sensitive plants, you could dilute 1 TeaDrops packet in 2 gallons of water as a test.
Please store your Teadrops® Natural Plant & Flower Steeping Packets in a safe, dry place at cool room temperature as humid conditions might cause preliminary breakdown
* TeaDrops are intended for garden use only to feed plants / flowers and should never be eaten or used in any other way