Organic Gardening Plant Care Blog

7 Steps to Make that Christmas Cactus Bloom Organically

Does this sound familiar? You are picking out the perfect cranberries in the grocery store for yourflawless holiday cranberry sauce when you notice a beautiful Christmas cactus in full bloom calling your name in the Flower section. I am a sucker for this section myself! How dare ...
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5 Fall Clean Up Gardening Tips To Do This Fall!

Given the busy spring and summer season, we all might be getting a little tired right about now when it comes to our yard work. However, if you can muster up the energy to get out there for the Fall clean up you might save yourself a lot of work when next Spring arrives. Besides, the weather (especially, in Connecticut and the rest of the Northeast) has been absolutely gorgeous this October...what a perfect time to go out there and dig our fingers in the dirt!
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